Saturday, December 23, 2006

Stock Market Theory

How many of us have ever tried to find out how the SENSEX is calculated? Hardly 1 in 100! Most of us are always worried about our own stocks and their future behavior, but yeah at the end of the day most of us do try to have sneak on the behavior of SENSEX, but nothing moves ahead from just a "Sneak".

Well, in case you fall into the above category, then here is your chance to get your theory upgraded. This is that part of year when everyone is in the party mood, relaxed and there is genuine good feel, and the global markets tend to remain on the slower side. So why not take this opportunity to just escape a little from trading and get your theory on the right track!

We really don't plan to re-invent the wheel! There are already good sites on the web that explain the theory behind the working of the stock market in a really good way. What we suggest is google out the concept for which you feel that you are weak at.

To just kick start the process for you here are some of the links: -


For Moving Averages -

For Investing Basics -

For P/E Ratio -

For Share Teminology -

We will keep updating this article with new and interesting links as we come across them.
Have a great Christmas!
Keep Investing and keep Stunning,
Warm Regards,
Team STuNNets.


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